Whiteface Mt. Bike trailsShortcut to Whiteface Mt. Map

Whiteface Map

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Verizon sports Complex Mt.Bike trails thumbShortcut to Mt Van Ho Map

2004 Race Application here

24 Hour Race Cartoon Image

Verizon Sports Compex Map

Shortcut to Van Ho Map

Trail Map overview

The 24 Hours of the ADK's  will be held Noon to Noon, September 11th - 12th, 2004.

This years event is for 24 hours only. There is NO 12 hour category.

Our 12th annual event is sure to reach new heights. Starting at Noon on September 11th, running until Noon on the 12th. Challenge yourself to go the distance solo or gather up the gang for a 4 person team. Bonfire and campsites provided. Demo bikes and headlamps available. The event takes place on the beautiful trail network at the High Peaks Mt. Bike Center at the Verizon Sports Complex..Come share in the comraderie as each rider explores their personal limits in a supportive and fun atmosphere !

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Sharpen your skills with our Riding Camps

The 24 Hours of the Adirondacks course is designed to be challenging, yet fair to all participants- especially at night.It is a blend of open fire roads, heavily forested undulating terrain and some tricky single track. Expect some sand, roots,rocks and a fair amount of climbing with equally thrilling descents (this is a Mountain Bike race !) The actual course is not decided on until the week prior the event in order to make best use of the trail and weather conditions.The weather varies a lot this time of year, be prepared for anything ! The course will be close to 20 kms per lap and each competitor/ team can decide how many laps to do before switching riders in the transition area.The classes are simple- Solo and teams by total ages. Female, Male and (for the teams) Mixed in each age group. Age groups are 99 and under, 100-149, 150-199 and 200+. For example, a team of riders aged 34, 26, 52 and 17 that included 3 men and 1 woman would be in the mixed 81-149 class. I told you it was simple ! Swap riders in the transition area at the end of any number of completed laps you wish. Most laps completed at the end of the24 hours wins. (Tie breaker is first in with the winning lap number)

Entries due by August 20th, 2004 to avoid a late fee!

Weather always makes it interesting. Keep informed at at www.wunderground.com

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