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Kids Riding Clinics at the High Peaks Mt. Bike Center at Mt. Van Hoevenberg

Every Saturday while school is out for the Summer, we host a kids riding clinic.Uphill, downhill, shifting, braking, cornering, trail obstacles and etiquette are all covered in this FREE ( with purchase of a required $5 trail pass ) clinic for kids ages 16 and under. No preregistration is required, but be ready to go from 10:00 until 12:00 ( arrive earlier if you need to rent a bike.) Every kid has a Mt. Bike, but wouldn't it be nice to know how to actually ride one well ? Well, after this clinic you'll be able to! Helmets required ! ( Available for rent )

W W W . H I G H P E A K S C Y C L E R Y  . C O M

M A I L @ H I G H P E A K S C Y C L E R Y . C O M

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